Magic Exists with Dani Margeaux
This is a podcast for anyone on their personal development or spiritual awakening journey who is transitioning from 3rd-dimensional living to 5th-dimensional being.
We talk about all things magical, spiritual, galactic, cosmic, astral, inspirational and so much more!
I believe magic exists everywhere, and it's about shifting your perspective to see it all around you.
I’ve experienced and seen things that I never thought could be possible throughout my lifetime. Magic exists all around us and it's about shifting your perspective to 5th dimensional reality through a lens of curiosity. If you can see the world from this lens, you would see the world so differently.
Instagram + Tik Tok + Youtube @iamdanimargeaux
Magic Exists with Dani Margeaux
Episode 12: Exploring the Magic of Existence + End of Year Reflections
In this episode of the Magic Exists podcast, Dani Margeaux reflects on her journey as an empowerment coach and Akashic Records reader. She shares insights from her past year, including her experiences with self-love, healing, and the dynamics of partnerships. Dani discusses the importance of living in alignment with one's true self, the power of self-compassion, and the significance of authentic connections. She also explores her spiritual journey and the rediscovery of her relationship with God consciousness. In this conversation, Dani Margeaux shares her journey of connecting with divine consciousness, transformative life events, and the exploration of her purpose through various career transitions. She discusses the importance of unconditional love, self-acceptance, and the power of spiritual practices like Reiki and Akashic readings. Dani also provides insights into the themes and intentions for each month of 2025, emphasizing personal growth, community connection, and the significance of self-discovery.
About me
Dani is an empowerment coach, Akashic Records reader, Reiki master and teacher, cosmic frequency channel, and gridworker who empowers lightworkers to claim their full power to serve as the new earth leaders they are meant to be. She helps them shine their light from within and transmute fear into love. She believes our soul frequency is unconditional love and when we can embody this vibration and integrate it into our lives is when we can transcend the density of the 3rd dimension. She does this by helping them eliminate any limiting beliefs that might be holding them back on the somatic, emotional, mental, behavioral, and unconscious levels as well as any past life karma through the Akashic Records. Life is meant to be lived full-on, and I partner with you to achieve that.
About the Podcast
- Website: https://www.iamdanimargeaux.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamdanimargeaux/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmhnkka4Ta0ayWnj3UoqTvA
Thank You again for listening, I look forward to connecting with you 💫
Dani Margeaux (00:21.11)
Hello my beautiful light beings, welcome back to the Magic Exists podcast. I am Dani Margeaux an empowerment coach, Akashic Records reader, Reiki master and teacher, galactic and cosmic frequency channel, grid worker, and ultimately a lover of life. This is a podcast for anyone on their personal development or spiritual awakening journey who is transitioning from the third dimensional living
to fifth dimensional being. We talk about all things magical, spiritual, galactic, cosmic, astro, inspirational, and so much more. I believe magic exists everywhere and it's about shifting your perspective to see it all around you. Welcome back everybody. This is going to be a solo cast. I started this podcast in June of this year, 2024, and it has been an amazing six months.
And so I realized after listening and reflecting, I hadn't given an about me episode. So this episode is gonna be an about me, an integration of everything I learned this year that wants to come through as well as a year ahead collective energy reading through the Akashic records. I am so grateful for every single one of you who listens. It is wild when I got the intuitive hit in June to do a podcast and put one out and
There were so many fears and limiting beliefs that I had held onto about me not being a good speaker or not having enough wisdom to share with the world. And this was me, this was a love letter to me to really expand that part of me and step into the leader as a Leo, as my passion, as my purpose that I meant to be. And it truly means so much when you listen. So.
Please subscribe, like, leave a comment, leave a review. It just, it really means the world to me. There has been 553 downloads since June and in the last 30 days, over 120 of you have listened. And so for me, that's like, I think about how many people I have in one room, you know, supporting me and that feels like a whole conference room. And so it feels so radiant and...
Dani Margeaux (02:32.546)
divine and I'm just I want you to know I'm grateful for every single one of you. I am reading I'm reading a book by Paolo Coelho I probably didn't pronounce his name correctly but Brita he he wrote Brida but also you know the critically acclaimed The Alchemist and I really believe magic is all around us and it's about shifting your perspective to see it all around you and when I got the download for this title I knew
it was going to come through within 24 hours. I had the intuitive hit this podcast needs to come through and there is a title that's wanting to be published, wanting to be heard. And I went to bed that night with the intention of coming through with the beautiful title. And that morning it dropped in and it was like magic exists. And I felt it resonating through every cell of my body. And so I'm reading this book called Brida and
the teacher in the book describes magic as the bridge between the invisible and the visible worlds and being able to learn the lessons from both worlds. And I just thought that was so resonant and beautiful as I'm in this in integration period of December, you know, before transitioning to the next year and really integrating what I've learned in the past year. And it's just, feel like is kind of the anthem of where I'm moving into and
the foundation of this podcast, moving from the 3D of what we can see in the physical world and moving into the 5D, allowing what we can see and unsee, the seen and the unseen to really influence us and knowing we can create whatever we desire in this planet, on this world, in our lives. And it's such a beautiful perspective. I know I have not been super consistent with these podcasts.
I've been consistent in terms of publishing them. You get at least one to three a month, but in terms of a date and a specific time in which they come through, it's really inconsistent. And I'm really grateful that you still tune in, even though that's not like a specific day that I'm posting these or a specific time. This year was really about me leaning into my divine feminine energies and
Dani Margeaux (04:54.412)
the being and the reflection and the resting and just really listening to my body when I didn't feel, you know, energy to do something. I typically have navigated towards the masculine in the past, the overdoing, the over motivation, overproduction. And this year was really leaning into that feminine and having grace and acceptance around those energies without judging myself for wanting to be in those states. And so,
Next year is definitely going to be an integration and balance of those yin and yang energies, those masculine and feminine. So I'm hoping you have a little bit more structure to be able to provide you. It was definitely a learning experience for me this year and it's something I really needed. So I'm really, really grateful for that. And so what I want to first start talking about is what does it look like to live as an Akashic Records practitioner, reader, and all the things, and how do I incorporate that into my daily life?
And what that looks like to me is looking beyond the 3D. In the past, I would wake up and I wouldn't give myself any time or space. I would wait until the last minute of my snooze button on my alarm. I would get up, I would rush to eat, rush to brush my teeth, rush to get ready, be out the door without a second of space. What I've noticed by integrating and moving beyond the third dimension and moving into the fourth and fifth dimension, I connect right away now.
When I'm still in bed, I ask where I should focus my energy on before, even often I wake up before my alarm goes off because I have such restful sleep being connected to the divine. And so I connect to myself, I connect to my spirit guides, I connect to the nature around my house and I go and receive this beautiful soul guidance every single day. And it really...
really not it really makes a difference and an impact in my life I I take it a step forward and I ask for support for whatever I need that day if there's a hard conversation that I need to do or if there's like a Challenging person I'm reading or if there's a challenging experience in my life I asked for that support and I call that in and I Intentionally go on solo walks to presence myself if I'm stuck in the house all day working from home and I have
Dani Margeaux (07:13.004)
a lot of mind chatter and it leads to creating narratives in my mind, which often leads to fears and limiting beliefs, I know myself in order to clear that energy, I go outside and I go on a walk and I connect to nature. I have more intentional workouts instead of doing HIIT workouts all the time, which I used to do, which I still do and I love. I took a break the last couple of years and did more feminine workouts, intuitive workouts, yoga.
yin yoga, just meditations, moving my body, stretching, and and it was really, really what my body needed. I journal often to find clarity. If there's anything I am confused about or anything I am needing guidance on, I journal and I find clarity and I find clarity through the guidance of my automatic writing, through my Akashic Records and connecting to my heart to know what the next positive step is for my life.
I meditate often to find guidance. If I don't meditate is when I create that mind chatter continues to surface in my mind. My self-practice now looks like energetic protections to be able to navigate the 3D while being an empath and highly sensitive person. I do Reiki on myself every day to increase the vibration of every soul so that I don't get cell.
so that I don't get sick and so that I can vibrate at the highest frequency and come from a place of love in every interaction that I have throughout the day, because that is my intention to spread unconditional love and every single thing I do say and be. And that is a really powerful intentional choice that I make every single day. I love my body daily in this human vessel and I do not take it for granted. That has been a practice of mine that has really transformed my healing.
experience in my life. I breathe in love to all the parts of my body. I tell my body I love it. I appreciate the vessel that it's in no matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like in that day and I accept it. And it's been a really beautiful journey. I used to have a lot of judgment and self-hatred against my body. Especially it started I think when I noticed when I was drinking a lot. I
Dani Margeaux (09:35.264)
I drink like binge drank since college and I realized it was just habitual without any intention. It was just something I did out of habit and it was a really beautiful experience early last year when I decided to give it up for half the year. And now I do drink occasionally wine or whiskey or beer, but it's definitely with intentionality and of course with my sensitivity.
I can't really handle honestly more than a couple drinks. Not only do I just not like the feeling anymore, but the next day I am severely, severely hung over. And so that is something that I have learned to navigate towards, release any judgment when I would be hung over after like a night of binge drinking. I mean, I would take a lot, a lot of shots, you know, that was, that was in my twenties and it was normal and it was fun. And the next morning though, I would wake up.
with a lot of judgment of myself I couldn't get out of bed. There'd be a lot of self-hatred. And that's when I first made the connection between a choice that I had made and then an effect of what had happened and how I felt about it. And so I realized I was not making choices about drinking. It was all habitual. It was subconscious that this is the habit that I have and I do, and I do this for fun. And I was like, whoa, wait a second. Is this actually what I like to do? And so...
It's been a beautiful journey because now if I do drink it, I am hungover, you know, because maybe I didn't drink enough water or I had a couple more drinks than I anticipated. I know it was a beautiful intention. I knew it was my choice. And the next day I don't feel guilt at all. I lean into the rest and I just offer myself love and gratitude and give myself, I switched into the perspective of gratitude for my body for giving me that so much joy and that celebration. usually drink because of celebration and it's...
It's such a beautiful energy to be and to celebrate experiences or abundance or people in your life. And so those are oftentimes in which I do participate in that. And when I am hung over the next day, I lean into the love for myself, the gratitude that my body helps me live in this vessel and heal no matter what I do. And so it's been a beautiful journey. Loving my body despite what it looks like.
Dani Margeaux (11:53.622)
I had a lot of adrenal fatigue. I had a weak liver function probably from drinking. I had a torn meniscus and I actually had HPV. so there was all these issues in my life five years ago before this spiritual awakening journey, before I got into the energy work. And I would go to the doctor and I went to a naturopath who would use the Rife machine.
which she reads the frequency and the vibrations of your body. And she would tell, she told me what I had before I even told her. And I was like, yeah, I have all these things. How'd you know? She's like, yeah, this tells you it comes up. It matches your frequency and it comes up in a way that she is able to see like the levels in which you have them in your body, like the toxicities. It can even pick up on parasites and heal parasites. It's a beautiful machine. The lady I see is Dr. Caslyn in Santa Clarita area.
I go to her every year for maintenance, but it's cool. I didn't go see her all through my spiritual awakening journey. went to see her, think in 2020, during the pandemic. And then I went to see her last year, 2023, no, 24. I saw her this year, 2024. And pretty much everything was gone. She's like, you have like a 0.0003 % of cancer. You have healed the adrenal fatigue. Your liver function is optimal.
your meniscus is gone, HPV is super dominant or what is it? Yeah, like sleep hibernating, hibernating, because I don't think that, I think like 90 % of people have that. it's like, yeah, it doesn't ever go away. It's one of those things, but it's just such a beautiful, it was a beautiful reflection that when I can reprogram my subconscious mind, decide intentionally that the choices I make are from a place of love because I make them and going into my self trust and my power and my self worth,
that my physical body can heal as a reaction to that. And that is where I started making these wonderful connections of energy. And I was so proud of myself and it's been a beautiful journey. And I wanna talk a little bit about this engagement portal. As you know, I got engaged last month or I guess it was September, October, November, December, three months ago, that's wild.
Dani Margeaux (14:07.432)
And it's interesting because I was reflecting upon what it is to be in a chosen partnership, you know, with another person. And I grew up being taught to be an independent, strong woman. And I was taught that I could do everything myself. I had to support myself. Like I can do everything, like love, you know, you don't marry for love, you marry for money.
and you really achieve a lot of goals in order to find your worth. And what I learned in this engagement portal was really shifting that mindset. A lot of women are in the mindset, and this was me in my 20s, that I had to do everything myself. I couldn't rely on anyone. I was in deeply masculine energy. And when you are coming from that,
place in partnership is when I would repel men because I was not in the receiving mode of my feminine. I was the one taking that masculine power and it's a really interesting dynamic that I am still uncovering. But what I've learned in my partnership with my partner now is that my partner as a male likes to provide and likes to protect
And when I lean into the feminine energies, I am able to receive more abundance and let go of that control that I need to do everything. And it's been a really beautiful, beautiful journey. And I have two best friends that are also engaged at the same time and we're both, we're all getting married next year. And it's like, I think it's hilarious how that happens, but it's been something they have also been.
revealing to me that this has been a beautiful shift that they have been navigating around and how
Dani Margeaux (16:12.566)
how not everything has to be done in the way in which you've done them before. And if someone wants to provide for you or support you in whatever way, whether it just be emotionally, physically, acts of service, financially, whatever that looks like to you, allow your partner to show that their love in the way in which they want to provide it. And it's interesting because in...
We are all relational beings and every relationship, whether it be partnership or friendship, is a mirror of our own selves. And I really used all the triggers that I had within partnership to reflect upon what within myself needed to be healed. And that is really when I noticed the shift within my partnership, within my relationship, when I stopped blaming him for not doing enough around the house, when I stopped blaming him for
not making me feel good or saying something that might've hurt me when obviously everything he's doing is from a place of love. I took personal responsibility for all these things and I decided to look within and explore within myself why I was feeling this way, why I felt hurt with something that he said, why I felt like he had to do more. Why was that an expectation of mine that he had to do all the dishes or something, you know, silly like that.
But things like that, if you hold them in and you don't verbalize them, can explode into something really big. And communication is the foundation of all relationships. And so after taking personal responsibility for every trigger and hurt I was feeling, and I came from a place of unconditional love for myself and released all expectations, I in turn received everything I ironically wanted in the first place. And that is when our love like,
fourished I'm so grateful for the journey that I'm on. And I know I'm 35 and I know a lot of people get married a lot earlier. And I feel like now the time, the clock is ticking. Everyone's like, you gotta have kids now. You gotta do all these things. And I'm like, no, I'm on my own journey. I...
Dani Margeaux (18:36.152)
things will happen in divine timing when they are meant to, and I've been really leaning into that. it's not an easy perspective to have, but there's a lot of freedom within it when you can really accept that way of thinking. I didn't always used to be this way. I was the most overthinker person you can ever imagine. I would create my own anxiety. I would create my own claustrophobia.
I deconstructed my claustrophobia and I really sat with the energy of that time it first came on and was like activated, that traumatic experience that happened. And I think I've spoken about this before, but just to make a long story short, I was like in eighth grade and we went to see the jail cells or the city hall and we went into the jail cells and then the cop that was like showing us around, was like 30 of us with our parents.
the chaperones and he's just discuss decides to start talking to us for like 20 minutes in this jail cell and I noticed that it was my mind that started creating these narratives and it was my mind that was like my gosh the doors are gonna close you're gonna be locked in here forever if the doors if the do if the doors do close you are gonna run out as fast as you can if you get locked in here you're skinny enough you can squeeze through the handles
like all these narratives and I even saw the door closing like in my mind's eye and I was creating the anxiety that created the claustrophobia in which I was hyper, I began hyperventilating and crying and I ran out of the room after because I had that reaction and that was reflecting upon that experience allowed me to bring awareness of the power of my mind. I would have a thought
and then I would have another thought and then another thought and the thoughts just kept going. I was never with my own silence. I didn't know what silence meant. And I realized and I learned the power of my logical mind and that I led with my mind over my body. And when I led with my mind over my body, often I would find resistance.
Dani Margeaux (20:56.169)
Hi, I'm recording a podcast.
Dani Margeaux (21:01.166)
It's okay, are you on your way home? Yeah. Okay, yay, I'll see you soon. Don't worry, I can just edit this part out. Okay, love you. Okay, love you, bye.
Dani Margeaux (21:21.454)
And when I would lead with my mind, oftentimes if it was not the right decision for me, my body would resist. I would feel my body contract and I would not feel good. And I would literally have breakdowns of confusion because what my logical mind thought and what my body, which now I learned is my heart, what it desired would be contrasting.
And one example of this was right before I bought my condo in 2016 this like a couple months before, my friends decided to invite me over to look at a house that they were looking at in Echo Park. It was like four bedrooms. We went to look at it and I think it was like $1,200 a month. And I had been living at home saving to buy a house and $1,200 a month was a lot of money back for me in like 2025 or wait, on, 2015.
And so I went and I was really excited. My logical mind was like, okay, wait, I can afford this. It's time to move out of my parents' house. this, I'm gonna be living with friends again. I've lived with them before in college. It all made sense to me in my logical mind, but my body, something in my body beyond fear was telling me that this wasn't the right decision. And I remember talking to my friend and then calling my dad and I was.
crying because I was like, don't understand. I don't think I'm supposed to do this, but I want to so badly. And ironically enough, three months later, a house popped up. I just had enough money at that time and it just worked out and I bought my condo. And I was like, whoa, the universe was telling me not to move in because if I had moved in, I would have had to sign a year lease. The house that was calling to me, which I'm at now, which ironically I'm in year moving into the year nine of my numerology.
I bought this place when I was in year one. So it's like a whole cycle. There's so many mind blowing things I'm like learning back here. And it's like coming back to a place in which I have changed in a place that looks the same, but I'm infusing different energy into it. It's so wonderful. But yeah, my body knew something within me knew that I shouldn't move into that place. And I got something even better, my own condo.
Dani Margeaux (23:40.694)
And so that was one of the first times that I would realize that my logical mind desired something or wanted something and was trying to control the situation. Yet my heart and my body knew otherwise. After that, I invested honestly thousands of dollars on therapy, coaching, self-development courses. And I can say I don't hear my thoughts anymore. I live in my heart, my mind is empty. My mind
mind is at peace, it's calm. And going through this has helped me gain my personal power back and go from the identity of like, I'm an anxious person to being a person who just loves my body, loves my mind. I accept all the parts of me, even when a thought comes through and it's like not the nicest or it is a little judgmental, I make note of it and I say, okay.
I see you, I'm not gonna feed into you. That's not how I see it. How I see it is through love. And doing that over time does reprogram your subconscious mind, offering the thoughts, love and compassion without judgment. And now it's like what I love doing is offering this to others as well, offering everyone love and compassion. It's a beautiful place to be. And when I say I've spent thousands of dollars on all this, it's been over seven years of this kind of
personal development journey. So it's not like all at once, but I wouldn't take it for the world. I wouldn't change it for the world. I was talking to my dad the other day and he started his own business when he was 35. And he mentioned, he's like, you're ahead of me. Like you can speak better. You have this presence, you can lead. And I told him, well, I mean, I spent a lot of money to invest in myself, open my throat chakra, have therapy, have coaching, really.
dive into the foundation of who Dani is, who am I? And from there, I've found love for myself and compassion and I'm able to prioritize all the things I want to develop like my throat chakra with this podcast. And so the message, the meaning and the message with this is if there's anything that you're a little scared but a little excited about, go for it.
Dani Margeaux (26:00.3)
the divine, the universe will conspire in your favor to get you what you desire, what you want. And if you don't get what you want, the universe has something even better. I've really realized on this journey that we are all the same. We are all equals here on this planet. I used to think other people were prettier than me or they were smarter than me or honestly, they were just better than me. And my recent ex before my
current partner, I held him on a pedestal. I literally manifested him exactly from like what he looked like to what he liked in his life. He would meditate like he was just everything I thought I wanted, except for his inability to regulate his nervous system. And you know that energy where you always feel like you're on eggshells around someone and you would compromise parts of you to serve or help the other person because they are more sensitive than you.
I felt a lot of that consistently, but I always felt like, know, I was like, oh, I have more of, I am enough so I can do this for them, but I was compromising parts of myself without realizing it. And so what that taught me is that so much about myself, but that we are all actually innately the same and come from the same place. And we are all here for the same thing, going through similar things. And we all want to be loved.
accepted by others, be safe and be free. Those are the four things within my coaching containers that I have found. Everyone wants to be loved, accepted, feel safe and be free. And what I've learned is these four deeper desires, I had to find those within myself in order to receive them more abundantly from others. Because when you are seeking this from outside of you, from people outside of you,
then you are waiting for the validation of others to feel whole or complete. But once you give that self, that those desires to yourself, no matter how people treat you, you have that in yourself. You have in-sourced that in yourself that you never need that from anyone else. But ironically, because your frequency has shifted into the energy of love and acceptance and safety and freedom, you ironically only attract those energies.
Dani Margeaux (28:25.484)
So friends, don't really hurt me anymore, you know, or don't say any mean things anymore. People don't trigger me or bother me. People annoy me a lot less. My inner reality really shifted and I really do believe that you create your own reality. It's an energetic thing too. And I noticed when I in-source these things, the energy around me shifted. I could see the divine.
support more and along with that path, I have met some of the nicest and honest and genuine people ever. People who are truly just authentically kind and I'm gonna just do a shout out to two people who I feel like have really, really, really supported me along my journey and really been able to reflect that authenticity and support and love to myself. The first person is Rita Merchandani.
She is amazing. I'm having her on my podcast in a couple months. I'm so excited. She is an Akashic Records reader and I went, and a beautiful, amazing human. One of the most grounded, heart-centered leaders I know. And I went on her retreat last year in Peru and it really changed my life. And I'm so grateful to have come into her field. The second is Eric Bigger. He is one of the most kind.
and loving people I have ever met, wants to support everyone in his life, wants to give unconditionally. He is just a beautiful, beautiful soul. And I am also gonna have him on my podcast in a couple months. So those will be really exciting, exciting episodes and follow them on Instagram. They are amazing. people who are so in their heart space and wanting to be the new leaders of the new earth and share more love on this planet. Transmute.
the fear to love and it's been such a something to witness, a really beautiful thing to witness from people. So on this entrepreneurship journey, know, personal development journey, it's actually been quite lonely. I encourage anyone who hasn't started who wants to start to just start.
Dani Margeaux (30:41.932)
I'm also...
Dani Margeaux (30:46.498)
I was always searching for me. Since college, always, I had thoughts of what I wanted to do in my life.
Dani Margeaux (30:56.76)
but I had no idea. Like I always knew there was something out there, but I had no idea what it was. Nothing sounded good. In high school, I did all the things. was captain varsity basketball captain. I was in choir. I was all league in cross country. I was treasurer and assembly representative on student council. I was on the dance team. I was in everything, you name it.
I just knew, you you get into college, you get a good job, and you have a good life. You do all the things. And when I got to college, I didn't know what I wanted to do. I just knew I wanted to be good at it and excel in it. I went to UC Irvine. I didn't get into UCLA. And I feel like everyone who goes to UC Irvine is kind of like really smart because they just didn't get into UCLA. But I changed majors three times because I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I really felt like I fell through the cracks. There was nothing that
they had that I really resonated with. So I just did the normal things. I did psychology, criminology, and then I think sociology were the things I did. to even take it a step further, at that point when I went to college was the first time I was on my own and I can make choices about my religion and what I believed in. I did attend Catholic Church a couple of times on my own there just because it was like a habit of mine that I did. But I was...
decided consciously not to practice Catholicism anymore in which that was what I was raised in, baptized in, and I did communion and I did all the sacraments. And I was actually really resistant to God, the word God, the energy of God. And it was funny because I had this teacher in high school who once told me she hated going to church and as a kid, she would drive with her sister to church, sit outside for the hour, and then just go back home. But then she found her way back to God later. And I feel like it's so interesting and so telling because that is definitely where I'm at now.
The story always stuck with me because the dogmatic church never settled with me. The disempowerment, the corruption, the molestation, the intention behind the religion itself, what I believe is for colonization of the Roman Empire and being in power and control. And I do think there's so many beautiful things I learned from Catholicism and I will never change my belief system. And I'm so grateful I was raised in that way.
Dani Margeaux (33:14.702)
But it was just always like I was always in the search of something else like there was something greater than God Prayer was always really really strong for me though. I always felt connected to the universe or a higher power I took a break from calling them God, but I always prayed always connected always Had this like inner monologue with our higher power universe source and that is one thing that I am so grateful for that I learned from Catholicism and
Dani Margeaux (33:48.93)
It wasn't until reading energy and reading the energy and communicating with my spirit guides and the spirit guides of other people that I understood and found God again because I communicated with him or her directly. I connected to God consciousness and I understood and I began to understand what God consciousness is and the love frequency that resides when you connect to God consciousness.
In this space, as you know, I only connect with Christ consciousness, God consciousness of the divine highest vibration, no bad energies or entities, not that those don't exist. And I've had my share of entities stuck on me, psychic attacks, and that can be for another episode. But I learned that when I focus my energy on the light and on the love, and that doesn't mean bypassing, I go into my shadows, but I accept all my shadows and I am a whole being.
and a reflection of God. And when I realized this was so transformational, and honestly, that was probably just the last year, but along the journey, I didn't always have this trust, you know? And I feel like my two car accidents I was in in my 20s were actually pivotal moments that were opportunities to connect to God. And the two car accidents, I was hit both times. My car was totaled both times.
Both times were when I was running a green light and someone was on a red light. And it's just crazy that I was fine. No one was in my car at that time. Both of the cars, if someone was in there, would have been severely hurt or damaged. I was severely hurt and I was on a seven year journey since 2013, since that car accident. So I was on the path of like, right, searching for fulfillment. College didn't really give me any answers. And then I was dealing with a lot of pain.
and I worked out a lot. found solace in working out. I was so sore every day. I was playing basketball, HIIT workouts. As a Lyron starseed, I realized that sports, collective sports are things I thrive in as well as HIIT workouts and really pushing my body and my muscles, which has been so beautiful to come back to that now this year. But I was struggling in pain for a year and it was like, always had to wait to see if I would wake up with pain.
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to really dictate how my days would go. And this was almost a decade. And it was like always an underlining narrative every morning of that muscle soreness from working out or pain from that major accident. And I went to the chiropractor after my second accident and the receptionist who was also like the wife of one of the chiropractors, she told me like, yeah, you're gonna be hurt forever. You're gonna have to come in for the rest of your life. And when she said that to me, my body was just like, absolutely not.
that did not sit well with me and I just left it in the back of my mind. I was like, okay, noted. Well, we'll come back to this, but that doesn't feel true to me. And so.
Dani Margeaux (36:58.19)
I fell in after college to working for the city of Santa Ana as an intern, just really exploring what I wanted to do. was working in the planning department and I wasn't making any money for like six months and I was like, okay, well, I gotta get out there. Let's see what else is out there. And so I was applying to Caltrans and like environmental jobs. Like I wanna do something sustainable. And my dad was like, why don't you just get your real estate license? And I was like, all right.
let's do it. And then I just ended up starting work, starting to work for him and at his company selling hearing aids. And then I got to the point that I was like, I'm going to take over this business. This is what I meant to do. I'm going to be a business owner and help the pediatric population. And I felt a lot of resistance to it, but it felt like the right path. And this was another moment where my mind and my heart were at odds with each other. And then the pandemic hit and
I really sat with myself. And for that last decade, I was able to see that, this job gave me the opportunity to travel to two countries a year. I've traveled to over 20 countries. My life was so rich with extracurricular activities. I always went to the gym after, hung out with friends, and really lived a full life, but those 40 hours a week were still lacking. So during COVID, while I was reflecting upon this,
I found the Deepak Chopra and Oprah's 21 Day Abundance Meditation, that really was the first time I meditated. And I was on the beach, I would go to the beach every day for 20 minutes and just listen to this manifestation meditation and...
It's what it is. It's like 10 to 20 minutes and it they give you like I think it's Sanskrit words like oh And like other things and you're supposed to repeat them out loud and then there's like a little journaling exercise after like what are you grateful for? What are things you're creating like and so you're doing this for 21 days And really focusing your energy on this within six months I manifested a job that I can bike to at the city Manhattan Beach in the finance department Which is exactly exactly to the tee what I was manifesting
Dani Margeaux (39:15.724)
And so it was beautiful to see my power, but at the same time, learning that that was just a lesson, because that was my egoic mind. And I hated it. I was there for six months. just, the politics of city life is not for me. And I knew there was something out there. So I left without hesitation. Someone who has a city job, most people are like, what? That's an amazing job. Why would you do that? But that just wasn't.
alignment with what I wanted to do and so I left without hesitation and I knew I would find something else I trusted myself and that's when I started doing reiki. I went to a medium and I found reiki and so I was doing reiki but it didn't really open too much for me at that time you know in 20 when was this 2021 and so I remember going to Vegas with my current partner and we were drinking in the room I might have been a little drunk and something in me was like message this girl from your sorority and ask her for a job.
And I was like, and I think she came up, was like on my Facebook, I was on Instagram and I saw her, I think she had a story pop up and that's when the intuitive download came, message her, message her for a job. I was like, okay, whatever. So I messaged her, I was like, hey, I just quit my job, I'm a real estate broker, I know you're in property management, do you have a job? Within that next week, they brought me in, I was hired as one of their property managers and it taught me so much. 2022 was such a year of expansion.
got my Reiki Master license, sorry, not license, certification And I opened my Akashic Records and then I was doing this job that was actually pretty fun. I didn't have to be in the office the whole time. I was out and about checking out properties, talking to vendors.
Dani Margeaux (41:34.76)
And it was different than I had any ever experienced. And it was fun. But what I learned is, I'm not a big fan of like helping just the toilet clogged every day and getting vendors out. That wasn't fulfilling, you know, for me. I do want people to be comfortable in their house, but I learned, I felt like I learned like a business degree during that year. It was, it was wonderful. And I learned so much and learned how to navigate different personalities and different people and different vendors ask for things.
to get done at a certain timeline, you know, and really do it in a way of compassion, through compassion and kindness. And during that time, I was giving readings, like seven in the morning, would do a reading, 6.30, I think, seven in the morning, do a reading, I would go to the nine to five, I would leave like five, five, 15, never stayed late, and then I'd get home at like six, six, 30, and then do a 7.00 p.m. reading. So I did that for like three months, and that's when I realized November of 2022, I'm done, I'm gonna start my.
my own business and I'm gonna do this full time. And it was so divinely timed because I was a little nervous about finances and around that same time, December of 2022, my dad was like, I'm gonna get knee surgery and I'm not gonna be able to work. Like, what's your schedule like? I know you just quit your job. Like, are you wanting some more hours? Do you wanna like, you know, help the business while I'm off for a couple months? And so that really was like, I was so grateful to be able to.
support him, help succeed his business as well as allowing me to have that extra supplemental income. You know, and I saw it just another lesson of just being so supported by the universe and the divine. And I really do think back to partnership where my partner created so much safety within me and within our home that I was able to feel safe going towards my dreams and
really I've shared with him like the impact that I make with my clients and like the stories and the magic that happens within these readings and I feel like he's just always never understood but always been supportive and it's been such a beautiful recognition of unconditional love and it's really interesting my best friend Chelsea who's been on the podcast before
Dani Margeaux (43:55.222)
She met with a healer recently and was asked, what does it mean to have unconditional love? And I think I spoke a little bit about acceptance of others, accepting everyone where they're at on their journey, not having expectations of how they should act around you, or if they're going through a similar experience, have any expectations that they should act how you act, really just having compassion for them without judgment and coming from a place of genuine curiosity.
loving someone without conditions. And she sat there and she's like, yeah, that's good. She's like, I said something really similar to him. And then she's like, but you know what he said to me? He said, it starts with loving yourself. And it was such a beautiful reminder, because I feel like that is exactly what I'm working through right now. And exactly the stage of life that I'm in, learning to love myself unconditionally, but also learning
to love others in the same way. But it always, it all starts with you. And it's really beautiful, because right now that is what I feel like is my purpose. To really bring unconditional love, transmute fear into love. I'm a master transmuter, I'm learning, and I'm excited to when I am due the medical, when I do lean into the medical intuition next month and all the galactic energy healings, this is gonna be such a beautiful gift and tool.
And yes, I have an overarching purpose on this planet, but what I've learned, it's about the journey and who I am and how I act and what I experience in every moment as part of the journey is what really matters. If you show up for yourself and the people around you in every moment and are present with yourself with every experience in its totality, then you've won life. And it's so ironic that I actually wrote this after reading.
before reading the alchemist and I just read the alchemist. I channeled all this information before reading the alchemist and if you've read the alchemist, it's literally, I feel like it's this. It's so important to keep your eye on your goal, on your purpose of life, but to also have an eye and awareness and consciousness of every moment that you're experiencing. And it's been a beautiful thing because I feel like every coach or teacher or
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therapist, know, or someone, you know, light worker who is really wanting to help their clients needs to do the work so that they don't project anything onto their clients. And oftentimes my clients come with a lot of self loathing or distrust or
Dani Margeaux (46:33.32)
And it's not unlike how I viewed myself for a really long time. And so through energy and through the Akashic records, I could see someone's soul frequency, their soul's energy, their essence. And wow, it is beautiful. It is an honor. It is an honor to create a safe space where they can connect to that part of themselves for that hour and the energy of how the divine sees them and how honestly I see them. I am so inspired.
by my clients, they are so beautiful. I am so grateful for everyone who comes to me. It is an honor and it's absolutely beautiful. And every single person deserves the world and everything you desire, you deserve just because you are. And my mentor Alyssa Nobrega doesn't like using the word deserve because that means then you can go to the opposite polarity, which is then you don't deserve. But what I realized is that you,
Only you choose what you deserve and you don't deserve. And once you realize that's a choice, you are limitless because you realize you deserve the world just because you are you.
Dani Margeaux (47:45.182)
So that is the beautiful messages that wanted to come through from the Akashic Records today of things that I'm just integrating and learning and moving into from the 2024 year moving into the 2025 year. And so we'll do a quick energy read for the collective for next year. If you've already received my wonderful year ahead collective reading PDF year ahead divine guidance for the collective.
then this is I'm just reading from that. But if you haven't, then this is going to be a beautiful little just energy read for next year. January, January is all about new beginnings, goal setting rituals for consistency and spending quality time with your chosen family. It's really about transformation, starting to reflect on the new goals and desires that you wish to manifest.
meditate on really what you want the year to look like and maybe write down some new hobbies, some new habits and treats you want to explore. But my recommendation is really prioritize your goals and focus on one major thing and one small thing. The Akashic Keepers advise against overwhelming yourself with too many goals at once because oftentimes then you'll do nothing. And as a manifesting generator myself,
This is something Alyssa Nobriga in our coaching program also teaches us. Focus on one thing and become a master in that one thing. And then after that, you can expand your capacity and your goals, but just do one thing that really inspires you and lights your soul up. And for example, this year I am working on my physical body. I want to look good for my wedding, but also I want to incorporate more HIIT workouts that I haven't really done in some time, you really challenge my muscles and my body.
to lift weights. So I rethought of, or really reflected upon what my why was. And instead of like, okay, I want to improve my physical health. I want to look good. Okay, but why? Why do I want to go to the gym more? I want to feel better in my body. I want to feel safe in my body. I want to give my body the ultimate nourishment and health that it needed, that it wants and desires. And so when I really rooted to that why it was, was so beautiful.
Dani Margeaux (50:04.138)
January is a beautiful opportunity to really sink back to your daily rituals. Everyone is kind of exhausted after the holidays and so it's a really good time to really just step away and really take a moment for yourself. Family events can be chaotic and leaving you feeling drained and if it doesn't then that's freaking wonderful and you have an amazing family. And there's all everywhere in between, know?
Just really lean into your chosen family. You made a choice of who is in your life right now and really lean into that for January.
February is the month of love, Valentine's Day, know, self-acceptance. Open yourself up to really giving and receiving, opening your heart, connecting to your galactic and cosmic guides, reflect on your deepest truths and core values, embody freedom without limitations. We're really coming back to self here and coming out of January's restful cocoon and really reconnecting with yourself and your heart and the world around you. Connection.
How can you deepen your connection with yourself, connection to your love? How are you honoring your deepest truths? Are you speaking and acting from an authentic soul frequency?
Dani Margeaux (51:24.512)
This is a moment to release any expectations from others and really lean into what feels right for you.
Dani Margeaux (51:32.704)
If you want to connect with new guides and new supporters from the unseen and the invisible world, the magical world, really just tune in and make the intention, invite them forward through connection, through meditation or journaling, and simply close your eyes and place the intention and meet them and open your mind to whatever is meant to come through for you for your highest good and allow the magic to unfold in front of you. Expect expectations and expect miracles this year.
If you can do anything without limitations, what would you choose? How can you step into your authentic self more? How can you express love more openly?
February is going to be such a beautiful month. so March is really preparing for spring, playing and experimenting, letting your inner child out a lot of endings and rebirths and connection with friends, networking, going out, exploring and traveling. March is really a month of preparation, depending where you are in the world. It is the spring equinox and on March 20th, a really shift of energy, a pivotal moment about embracing changes.
both within the seasons and within yourselves. The foundations you've worked on and the rituals you've worked on already the last 60 days are already in place. So this month, just kind of step out of your comfort zone, test things, test new things, new way of beings, new perspectives, explore, experiment, let yourself out to play. This is really an opportunity to experience joy and let your inner child out, get out there, go on hikes, reach out to friends, spend time with friends and family.
It's going to be really a beautiful year. Next year in numerology, it's the year nine. It's significant endings and rebirths, the energy of creation. And it just feels so aligned. There might be a lot of births, a lot of pregnancies, and just a really beautiful time of year. April is really release and realign. Stay rooted in your light. People of power will be shown who they really are. And self-forgiveness and remain present are going to be the main themes.
Dani Margeaux (53:43.446)
It's really a midway journey, a time to pause and reflect in April and really realign like the rains cleansing the earth. The month encourages the releasing of old identities, outdated patterns, and the masks we've worn to navigate the world that's rapidly shifting. Truths, both personal and collective, will rise to the surface asking for our attention. And you may notice long hidden dynamics coming to light, especially among those
in positions of power. And things are going to be uprooted in astrology, there is literally civil war energy in the next year in 2026. And this is not to bring fear. It's really a time as as these revelations unfold to really stay rooted in your truth. It's really an invitation not to react, but to transcend and keeping your focus on how you can contribute more harmony into your life and into your community.
How can you bring more peace to those around you, starting with yourself? How can you stay more balanced to avoid being drawn into the polar, into the polarizing narratives around you? And so this is really a time to look inward and see what activities and passions truly, truly light you up so that you can really be in service to yourself and be that highest version of you, no matter what falls to the ground, whether it be the medical system, the government, the politics.
Whatever that is, just know that you have safety within yourself and to explore that.
May is about celebrating your successes, celebrating who you are, loving and receiving love, giving and receiving love unconditionally, releasing comparison to others and having gratitude for yourself. We are all on different journeys and it's a really beautiful.
Dani Margeaux (55:38.638)
practice to release comparison. May is an abundance month of joy, community celebrations, love, blessings. It's really a time to lean inward to gratitude and allow that gratitude for the things you have in your life and for yourself to lead the way. Abundance flows when you give freely and so by celebrating others unconditionally and really creating a space to receive even more joy and blessings in return is going to be a really powerful tool. Comparisons and self judgment will only block
this flow. And so I invite you to release the idea that I'm not far enough because you are exactly where you're meant to be and others deserve to be celebrated for where they're at too. Unconditional love begins with you and by holding yourself in in compassion and acceptance, you will allow your relationships to deepen and your own joy to expand. The more I give, the more I receive. And that is the energy of May.
June is really owning your own power, speaking your truth, building connections and strengthening your mind, body and spirit. June invites you to step into your full power, embodying the highest version of ourselves with confidence and grace.
Dani Margeaux (56:51.202)
This is the halfway year mark of the year and summer solstice the longest day of the year, June 20th. You've already laid the groundwork. Now is the time to embody your highest self without any limitations. This month, the throat and solar plexus chakras are activated supporting you and speaking your truth and stepping into your personal power. Move beyond the ego and really lead with essence and love and authenticity.
And some reflective thoughts can be, where is my ego still in control? And how can I release this and really lead with my heart? If things haven't really been going your way, this is a really beautiful way to start something fresh. Really be intentional with how you want the rest of the year to look like and really call in that abundance.
Dani Margeaux (57:39.988)
Use this time to really prepare practically, maybe save money, gather essentials, work on your body, physically strengthen your body. This is gonna be a really beautiful time to really be in your love as the new Earth's energy is one of love and not fear and really trusting your ability to navigate challenging situations with grace. July is gonna be a month of high motivation, high productivity and high energy, really embracing re-
connection, support your community more because more can be done together and really nurture your body. July is a month that shines brightly as the sun reaches its peak and infuses us with warmth and vitality. This month carries a more masculine energy pushing us to take action and move forward with confidence. Use this time to channel your efforts into the areas of life where you
Most wanna make progress. The energy is aligned to help you achieve your goal. So definitely take advantage of it this month. There might be some reconnections. Just see this as abundance. There might be past lovers, long last friends, family members who might've been out of touch. It's okay to welcome them back into your life with an open heart. But remember to be mindful. Accept everyone as who they are and not what your expectations of what they should be or how your relationship should unfold.
Letting go of preconceived notions to avoid disappointment will really allow space for growth.
August is gonna be time for caring for your older parents and loved ones and doing what you love more often. It's really freedom is the energy that I'm feeling for August. How can you maximize your joy and pleasure this month? And this answer really lies in your willingness to explore, expand and allow life's beauty to touch your soul and new in unexpected ways. Freedom from limiting beliefs, freedom of self-expression and the liberation to dive into self-exploration.
Dani Margeaux (59:40.962)
How can you be your best self? And where do you want to focus your energy?
Dani Margeaux (59:49.56)
Just remember, you've got this, you are sovereign, you are a powerful being, and you are never alone. September is all about hard work and dedication and with more ease and more flow, a lot of manifesting abundance and really just being in your spotlight. I've done a few year ahead readings already and it really feels like the end of next year is gonna be bright for a lot of you.
So September, I see financial abundance. I've seen the inner work that you've done is like really allowing you to thrive in your divine light, embrace that fullness of who you are and really create the structure, systems and habits that will support your abundance along the way because you already have the capacity to hold all these things. So shine, shine and shine because you deserve it. October is about renewing and releasing in sync.
is about aligning your inner and your outer worlds and really upgrading your wardrobe and really being and enjoying your own soul's frequency. Releasing and renewing just as the trees let go of their leaves, consider what you need to release in your life. Is it a belief, a habit, a situation? Embrace the opportunity to feel lighter and more aligned to your true self. This is an excellent time to upgrade your wardrobe and reaffirm
Refresh your appearance. Ask yourself, does my outward expression really reflect the person who I've become inside? This new identity of who I am, who is she or he or they? And begin to choose clothes and accessories that really honor your growth and amplify your confidence and your joy. And celebrate your abundance. The blessings in your life are no accident. And if you are in a relationship or if you're single, just...
Embrace the love and connection that you have and that you have cultivated. The affirmation for this month is I honor the cycles of release and renewal within and around me and I am free to transform, grow and live fully. November is really about decluttering your home, maybe making donations, perform rituals around protections and energetic boundaries. Releasing any
Dani Margeaux (01:02:01.846)
expectations of how relationship or conversation should unfold and really co-creating space with Mother Earth and connecting and really bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen, the visible and the invisible worlds.
November, we're moving into holiday season and it's wild to think about that this is gonna be a year from now. And so just time to really declutter your room and ask yourself if each item truly serves or brings you joy. Declutter your space physically but also energetically and take a moment to really strengthen your energetic protections. Sit in stillness and set an intention to invite divine love and positive energy into your space.
consciously creating an environment that nurtures and uplift you. And this is going to be really important because old family dynamics can sometimes stir up unresolved emotions and trauma, even if you thought you healed them, but you are at this new capacity, new space, new identity, and you will have the capacity to move through them with more ease and flow. And that deserves to be celebrated. December is all about integration.
the lessons you learned in 2025, really give back to those less fortunate and celebrate you. And what are you planning for 2026? Really invites you to get back to the less fortunate. It's a beautiful time for reciprocity, whether it just be love, compassion, or actual physical resources. You are being tested in your personal growth. So really revisit the place in which you've been broken free. You may find yourself revisiting the place from which you've broken free, and it's an opportunity to show yourself how far you've come.
being present in your growth and to remain anchored to your new path. This is just, I'm so excited for next year and I'm really excited for this journey and to see where this podcast really goes. What I am moving into is I am gonna be taking a medical intuition course and I am almost done with my galactic Akashic records course and I am taking a galactic astrology course. So I'm really excited for what this year is going to bring. I really want to focus on
Dani Margeaux (01:04:10.072)
healing chronic issues in galactic starseeds. And I'm not saying that's gonna happen instantaneously, but I've been doing some readings and I've been really able to get to root cause issues of certain energies of anger or rage or past life, you know, trauma and really heal it at the root. And it's been so beautiful. And so I'm really excited to what, for what next year has to bring and I'm surrendering to being a student again and surrendering.
to knowing that I'm still doing soul readings for the next year. I am still teaching Reiki and providing energy healings next year. I, my coaching containers, divine coaching containers will continue to evolve and those will always be my flagship things. But a couple of new things are gonna come through. And upon reflecting, this month has been a little slow. was a little kind of like, kind of feeling down, like, wow, what did I really even do this year? Did I do anything?
which is so silly because I did an energetic protections masterclass. I did a quantum masterclass. I held space in person for over a hundred people and I started this podcast. I really mastered my soul reading. I started doing coaching just January and so it's really been a beautiful, beautiful journey of expansion and connection and divine timing. And like I said, I am so grateful for every single one of you.
As we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome in 2025, I am here to support you and to love you. again, thank you for being here and for all your support, like and subscribe. And if there's anything that you wanna hear, bring it forward, message me. And if you wanna be on my podcast, message me. Everything I am calling in is so divinely timed and guided and I...
If you're getting that intuitive hit, message me. Maybe you're meant to be here and share your wisdom because you are worthy, you are powerful, and you are enough. And you are loved, so thank you and until next time.